Mats Widlund
piano / Sweden
Professor at the Royal College of Music / Edsberg Slott, Stockholm
piano / Sweden
Professor at the Royal College of Music / Edsberg Slott, Stockholm
piano / USA
Professor, head of the Piano Department at the Long Island Conservatory of Music, NY.
piano / Sweden
Professor at the Royal College of Music, Stockholm
piano / Austria
Professor at the Joseph Haydn Conservatory in Eisenstadt and Richard Wagner Conservatory in Vienna
piano / Germany
Concert pianist, professor at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp, Belgium
piano / Sweden
Head of the Piano Department at Musikskolan Lilla Akademien, Stockholm
piano / Sweden
Methodologist and piano teacher at Musikskolan Lilla Akademien, Stockholm
piano / Sweden, China
Head of the Piano Departement at the China Conservatory (China, Beijing) and teacher of the Sundbybergs Music School and Lysor International Music School, Stockholm
piano / Lithuania
Associate professor at the Klaipėda University
violin / Sweden
Leader of the second violin section with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, guest instructor at the Music Conservatory in Stockholm, the Britten Pears Orchestra Aldeburgh, Orchesterzentrum Dortmund and the Music Conservatory in Ferrara.
violin / Sweden
Violinist at the Swedish Royal Opera, concertmaster of the Stockholm Strauss Orchestra and the Swedish Royal Chamber Orchestra
violin / Belgium
Professor at the Institut Supérieur de Musique et de Pédagogie in Namur and at the Tchaikovsky School of Music, Brussels
violin, viola / Belgium
Professor at the Royal College of Music, London, UK
violin / Finland
Senior teacher at the Espoo music institute
violin / Estonia
Head of the String Department of the H. Eller Music School in Tartu
cello / Sweden
Artist at the Swedish Radio Orchestra (Stockholm)
cello / Ukraine, Sweden
Professor at the National Music Academy of Ukraine, Honoured Artist of Ukraine
harp / Sweden
Soloist, chamber and orchestral musician, teacher of the “Lilla Akademien”, Stockholm
harp / Austria
Concert harpist and teacher, member of "Who is Who Austria" from 2009, master.
harp / USA
Harp and piano professor at University of Massachusetts Boston, Schloss Akademie in Germany, harp and piano through the Office of Arts at Harvard University, artistic director of UIMC, an artist with the TTF Entertainment company in China
flute / Sweden
Teacher of the specialist music course at the Södra Latin Gymnasium, Stockholm
flute / Sweden
Teacher at Nacka Music School, Stockholm
flute / USA
Doctor of Musical Arts (A.B.D.), instructor at the University of Nevada (Las Vegas), Vice President of the Las Vegas Flute Club, soloist, chamber and orchestral musician
flute / China
Fute teacher of the School of Music of Shanghai University, guest chief of fute of Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, guest chief of fute of Shanghai Opera House Symphony Orchestra, director of the Orchestra Professional Commitee of Shanghai Musicians Associaton
oboe / Sweden
Principal oboist with the Royal Swedish Orchestra ”Kungliga Hovkapellet” at the Royal Swedish Opera
clarinet, saxophone / Sweden
Saxophone teacher at Ingesund School of Music / Karlstad University
clarinet, saxophone / Norway
Saxophonist freelance and member of Davidsen Duo (saxophone / guitar). Teacher at the Barratt Due Institute of Music
Bassoon / Sweden
Principal Bassoonist of the Royal Opera Orchestra, teacher in some music academies in Sweden
trumpet / Lithuania
Artist of Klaipeda brass quintett
Percussion, jazz / China
Instructor of Jazz Drumming in in the Popular Music College of Nanjing University of Arts, standing director of IPEA Internatonal Percussion Educaton Associaton, standing director of Jiangsu Province Percussion Associaton, deputy director of the Pop Percussion Commitee, executve director of Qingdao City Percussion Associaton
Composition / China
Composer, PhD, Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, member of Shanghai Musicians Associaton and Director of Shanghai Computer Music Associaton.